Wednesday, October 04, 2006

now you have too much in your inbox

The email count today is 5674 in my inbox and another 212 in a folder
I named "action items" to put the really important ones in so they
don't get lost among all the others in the inbox :-). All that with a
SUPER HEAVY DUTY SPAM FILTER that often snags emails that i want or

now you see why we need an administrative assistant or something! I'm
working on our "CRM newsletter" mailing list this week a little -
ugh. Changed from pc to mac more than a year ago and I'm just getting
around to to double checking the snail mailing list 'cause it wasn't
presto chango conversion of the data. As an entirely right brained
person, NUMBERS are my "thorn in the flesh."

Between Jim and I, and the different groups we swim around with, we
are the king and queen of communication and networking. He has so
many egroups and mailing lists it makes my head spin to think about
what he's keeping track of with all those pastors and missionaries
and and and. now he has Singapore's UCLA Alumni Association. He
recently found there was one here (they tried to make him president
last weekend - smart man - he declined!)

ME? For awhile (when we were new here just meeting everyone for the
first time in singapore) I was starting to think that perhaps our
brains and hearts have a limit to how many people you can meet in a
lifetime. And I thought that I had reached my quota. Names came in my
ears, bypassed my heart and floated right out of my head. But I'm
over that now, and meeting new people every week.

Still, sometimes I imagine myself in this conversation:

New Acquaintance: Hello! You're a missionary? Really? What do you do
for your ministry?

Kimberly: Oh, keep track of mailing lists mostly.

See, I hate administration. So I avoided it some more by writing more
to you!
HA HA. back to work.


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